Temperature Sensors
1. ST-100: Thermistor Temperature Sensor
The ST-100 is a high accuracy thermistor (± 0.1 C from 0 to 70 C), mounted in a waterproof housing, designed for continuous measurement of air, soil, or water.
2. ST-110-SS: Thermistor Temperature Sensor
The ST-110 is a high accuracy thermistor (± 0.1 C from -40 to 60 C) designed to minimize solar load and thermal conduction. White heat shrink is used on the cable behind the thermistor to reduce solar load. Constantan wire is used to minimize thermal conduction down the wire towards the thermistor. The ST-110 is designed to make air temperature measurements in Apogee's TS-100 Aspirated Radiation Shield and can be used in static, multi-plate shields from other companies as well.
3. ST-200: Fine-Wire Thermistor
The ST-200 is an accurate (± 0.2 C from 0 to 70 C) fine wire (0.45 mm tip, 0.15 mm wire) thermistor designed for measurement of delicate surfaces or small samples with a fast response time, less than 1 second.
4. ST-300-SS Platinum Resistance Thermometer (PRT)
The ST-300 is a high accuracy PRT (Platinum Resistance Thermometer),(1/10 DIN) designed to minimize solar load and thermal mass. White heat shrink is used on the cable behind the PRT to reduce solar load. PRT sheath dimensions are 3.18 mm diameter and 63.5 mm length, minimizing thermal mass
5. ST-150: Class A PRT (Platinum Resistance Thermometer)
The ST-150 is a 1/8 inch, Class A PRT (Platinum Resistance Thermometer) with an IP67 rating. White heat shrink is used on the cable behind the PRT to minimize heat transfer to the sensor. PRT sheath dimensions are 3 mm diameter and 65 mm length, miminzing thermal mass. More Details
6. CS240: Back-of-Panel Temperature Sensor
The CS240 is a surface mountable PT1000 Class A PRT designed to measure back-of-panel temperature with the highest accuracy. The PRT is housed inside a rugged, self-adhesive aluminum disk designed to withstand harsh environments and promote heat transfer from panel surface. Kapton tape is required for cable strain relief and to fasten the CS240 to the back of a solar panel. More Details